Wow, what a year we have had already……2020 has been a doozy. During the shutdown and beyond, we have been (thankfully) busy with work. But, before we knew what the months after the shutdown would hold, I told my team I wanted to use this time to focus on things we had been putting off……like working on a brand new website.

“Denise McGaha Interiors designs livable luxury without sacrificing style. We believe time-honored design can be beautiful and approachable.”
We teased our new logo and new branding in January and had planned a launch of a new site for the May-June timeframe. Instead, we just took that old site down to the foundation and started over with new branding, a new biography, a much deeper story and published several projects that hadn’t seen the light of day.
Some of our projects were being held for consideration for print publication and when Covid hit……crickets from editors. So doing what we do best, we decided to tell the story of our client’s homes through our own channels. And boy, am I excited about the response.

Our new website is just the beginning of some big changes coming from Denise McGaha Interiors. This time inside, coupled with some personal milestones in my life (I turned 50 a few weeks back), have helped me focus even more on what I want for our firm.
Please take a look around and let me know what you think! I hope you find it to be elevated, edited and a true representation of the work we do for our clients. I hope you enjoy my bio which tells a much broader story of who I am and why I design the way I do.

If you are here for the first time, welcome. We hope you come back time and time again. We refresh the content on the site monthly with new projects, new press and often a blog post or two a month.
It’s only UP from here!